
Your Weekley 161 find

Getting those bar-b-q bills payed and found this gem on my last one. So This reminds me of a story about my grandma I'm going to share. I don't know why I remember this but I do and it's from early childhood. I guess back in the day there was a certain amount of credibility that was connected to the number of checks you have written. (ex. you don't trust someone who is check #001) There probably still is some stigma . But anyway I think it's a lost thing in this ATM debit card world. So anyway My grandma had written (she 8 kids btw) literally tens of thousands of checks over her lifetime. I remember being at her house when the bank sent her new checks because she went over 20,000 and they started over with check #101. She flew off the handle because she thought she had lost all credibility. So recently I ordered new checks and this happened to me too and in the back of my head I cursed the banks in the name of Grandma but kept on using them b/c who writes checks anymore. But there she was in al her glory sixty one checks later. Your weekly 161 find.

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