
The 1-Man Keg Stand

Kids don't try this at home. The 1-man keg stand is no easy feat. Slip and you may crack your skull open....succeed and you may be immortalized into the history books forever as one of the brave drunken few.
From all accounts the first one Man keg stand was originated in the downstairs Adamic guest bathroom after our soccer team lost state somewhere around 1997'. The beauty of the 1-man is that it's not for show. I stumbled upon Adrock ...alone in the bathroom....giving himself a keg stand...because he wanted one and no one was there to hold his feet. He did it not for glory, rather to satisfy a desire, a desire to take it to the next level even when nobody is watching, a desire that separates the true champions from the simply lucky ones.
It's kind of a lot like why we do the Lenexa BBQ every year. We do it because we want to push ourselves. Not because anybody is going to give us recognition for it. We do it because it's a challenge. The point is no one remembers losing state, we only remember the keg stands.

1 comment:

Adrock said...

First off KC.. Great Intro.. Second JC I have not seen such poise in the one man since back in the day. When it was all good. Great stuff great bbq and of course.. Big, Family and friends.

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