
Message From Doozie

My friends and my family,

After a thrilling and eye-opening stay in SE Asia, I returned to Melbourne feeling like everything was moving faster. I felt anxious and knew I needed yet another change of venue. After a brief stay on the coach of a friend, I chose a place on the east coast of Oz and flew there. This not long after watching my beloved Jayhawks cut down the nets at the casino with a couple of others clad in crimson and blue on a sunny, tuesday morning.
My first stop was Byron Bay, home of some of the most beautiful beaches in Oz and a funny mix of hippies and surfers. I would not consider myself either but I can relate to both. Within a few days there, I developed some good friendships with some fascinating people. A fella named Sage even cleansed my aura. Sage was an odd character, but he was never short of interesting things to say.
Another bloke, Bob, sounded exactly like Dude Lebowski in every way. Every statement that left his mouth, ended in the word 'man'. He was pushing 55 with long, silvery hair. Probably the most laid back guy I'd ever met-- we became buddies instantly.
I got some much needed TLC from my cousins and auntie in another beach town called Noosa. A few brilliant days with them and another surf lesson and I was on my way further up the coast. After a mere 17 hour bus ride, I unfolded myself in a town called Airlie Beach, where I write to you now. It's the gateway to the Whitsunday Islands in the Great Barrier Reef. Beautiful spot with an unattractive, hugely backpacker populated down side. That being said, I've got a good job with some wild people.
My boss is a former English rockstar. He has a warrant for execution should he ever set foot back in to Qatar and is afraid of balloons. First time I came up to his home, he put on some Sex Pistols and in mid-conversation he exclaimed 'i f@cking love this track!!' and started throwing anything he could get his hands on over the balcony--windchimes, plates, wine glasses..you name it. He then sat down and continued his intelligent conversation where he left off. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life. He lives his life with a youthful vigor that in no way correlates with the number of candles he blew out on his last birthday cake, 37. I've learned a lot from him.
My other partner in crime behind the bar is Will, yet another English gentleman. Will talks like C3PO from Star Wars and kind of looks like him, now that I think about it. He uses 16 words when 3 will do. 'Poppycock' and 'balderdash' are a few of his favorite expressions. He'll say things like 'your prowess behind the bar is unmatched by most I've come across in my many days since birth'. A simple 'nice going, chief' and I would have picked up his message saving us both time. Sometimes I get the urge to slap him senseless, but in my ongoing quest to find the good in people, I now call him my friend. However, sometimes when he carries on with things like, 'a thousands thanks yous, madame' it still to this day tests my patience. You poured her a glass of wine and she gave you 5 bucks for it, I think one thank you will do fine, mate.
One more colleague. His name is Phil. Phil Collins. Hahahahahaha, still cant believe that one.
That's about it. Got about a month left before heading to the other side of the country for my last stop. Gonna try and save to pop over to Indonesia. Before I head that way, my buddies and I have rented a yacht for 5 days. We'll be able to cruise all around the islands in the Barrier Reef, stopping to snorkel, bbq, swim wherever we like, whenever we like. I'm looking forward to that greatly.
Mullets everywhere. Still.
Seen lots of fellas wearing Pantera shirts lately, they making a comeback? What gives?
My time away is drawing to a close. I look forward to seeing you all so much. I'm not sure where my head will be at in terms of my life plan when I return. But, I do know that seeing you all again is something I look forward to already. As always, I hope this email finds you all in good spirits with life treating you fairly and gently.


p.s. As always, I love getting emails from each and every one of you. Trully, it means a lot. A thousand thank yous to all who have remained in touch.

1 comment:

Mamba #3 said...

Where's the pic of Dooz to accompany the message?

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