

David Hasselhoff will be signing autographs shirtless tonight at Mid America Sports Complex. Ladies please remember there's enough to go around.......one at a time please.
Sorry I can't make it tonight Boats. Do good things and finish the season strong.


Bowling Blog Ready to Roll

Do we really need another blog? Probably not...but we have started one anyway. I figure we can get all the teams in the leauge involved in some way if we want and who knows where it will go. I have created easy links from the top of the BBQ blog page. Lets see if we can make this a strike! and stay out of the gutters.

New Music

Enjoy the Jack Johnson concert at Sandstone from Aug 14th. It's the new music player. Thanks for the hook up webs! we needed some new tunes.


So let's go....

Nothing to say....just a little ham n' eggs.


New York Prostitute With One Leg Dies After Being Knocked From Wheelchair

New York police said Friday a prostitute with only one leg was murdered in Brooklyn after a client hit her on the head and she fell out of her wheelchair, hitting her skull against a wall, the New York Post reported.

Elizabeth Acevedo, 38, was found unconscious in a 13th-floor hallway of the apartment building where she lived in the Boerum Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Acevedo died Friday morning in the Long Island College Hospital after being removed from life support, the Post reported.

She wore a prosthetic leg, but also used a wheelchair after losing her leg in a train accident. The prostitute had 67 previous arrests for prostitution and drug charges

Investigators are looking for a suspect, who they believe was a client who hit Acevedo over the head with a heavy object.

Sgt. Harry Bolls sighed with a giggle we know the imprint on her head looks like a mushroom. We could be looking for a large black man with enormous testicles.


Japan shocks Softball world

Well boys we're not alone...

(BEIJING, August 21) -- Japan pulled off the biggest upset in the world of Softball, and perhaps of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, defeating the previously unbeatable United States 3-1 in the gold medal game at Fengtai Softball Field on Thursday, August 21.

Read More!


Mrs. Pike is that you???

A former gym teacher who had sex with a 14-year-old student and sent him erotic cell phone messages was sentenced Wednesday to up to three years in prison, in part because she called the boy after she was charged. Allegely she told the boy
his penis reminded her of an old tennis racket she once owned claiming " I was always better at doubles... Well Beth allow me to be the first to give you an ole fashion rocky bal beezy servefest.. Bitch you just been served... 30 -LOVE... Hey look at it this way.. Could have been 30 to life.

Jeff "Fingers" Weber

Well...I did it again. While doing some home repair to my Master Bathroom, a friend and I were able to drill into one side of my thumb, and have it come out the other.

This is not really that big of an injury, but it is going to effect my ability to throw a softball. So if we have back ups, I might need to ride the pine tonight. But my batting ability is still strong, to VERY stong.

Let's go BOATS!!!

Taste of gold is so sweet!!!

Well done ladies!!!!
.....thanks for not choking like Finch and the rest of the softball team.


Women's Beach V-Ball goes for gold

set your tivos and dvr's......

Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh go for gold against the slopes tonight @11pm.


THURSDAY AUG 21st 6:30 pm. It's my birthday boys. So there is no way in hell I plan on losing this game tomorrow night. I need my shut-down defense behind me. The bats needs to bee HOT-T. I expect nothing but top notch play from our team.

I will be providing refreshments after the game in the parking lot for anyobe who would like to float a few miller lights with me in honor of the big 28 and the last regular season game of the year, LETS GO BOATS!


CC Calender Drops

Check out the new cover the the Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleader Calender. Yep thats the mafias/motorboats token cheerleader Dayday on the cover. I'm so proud. So enjoy and make sure you buy a calender from me $15 ea. culpsales@gmail.com

It's 16months so you get like 4 extra months for free!


Jayhawks in Beijing

It apppears that the Year of the JAYHAWK continues, this morning on the today show, Matt Lauer was interviewing the second best swimmer in the world Ryan Lochte (USA) about his gold medal win last night and his upcoming relay. As you can see if you look very closley you will notice in the background that indeed the Hawks are known all around the world, I wouldn't be suprized if it was THE DOOZ himself that planted that sign and disappeared like Keyser Soze. Rock Chalk Jayhawk even in China Bitches!


Has Bigfoot Been Found?

Two Bigfoot hunters claim they have the body of one and plan to release a photo and what they claim is DNA evidence at a news conference in Palo Alto on Friday.
The Bigfoot is claimed to have been found in the woods of northern Georgia by Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, and the claim is being supported by a Bay Area Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi, a multiple local Democratic candidate.
The press release as follows. A site claiming to have the first pics is down, but here’s the link in case it comes back up, although the pic top right is said to be one of the shots currently available. Other sites are suggesting this could be the “real deal;” who knows, we’ll have to wait for the press conference and the proof.
Here are some of the vital statistics on the “Bigfoot” body:
*The creature is seven feet seven inches tall.
*It weighs over five hundred pounds.
*The creature looks like it is part human and part ape-like.
*It is male.
*It has reddish hair and blackish-grey eyes.
*It has two arms and two legs, and five fingers on each hand andfive toes on each foot.
*The feet are flat and similar to human feet.
*Its footprint is sixteen and three-quarters inches long and five and three-quarters inches wide at the heel.
*From the palm of the hand to the tip of the middle finger, its hands are eleven and three-quarters inches long and six and one-quarter inches wide.
*The creatures walk upright. (Several of them were sighted on the same day that the body was found.)
*The teeth are more human-like than ape-like.
*DNA tests are currently being done and the current DNA and photo evidence will be presented at the press conference on Friday, August 15th.

161 find of the day.

Well this blog started awhile ago. 161 post ago to be exact. Congratulations to "All flossed Out as the 161st post". The 161find of the day. And congratulations to the contributors and visitors to date.

"Kansas City Bar-B-Q Mafia View Blog
161 Posts, last published on Aug 10, 2008"

And P.S. This girl choked it for the U.S.A.


All Flossed Out

Check the Jam. It was the theme music behind the Entorage season 5 trailer. It took a while to find it.

Click here to Listen!


Boats Go So Big - Webs and all his glory

Mo mo mo mo mo motorboats! What a game. It had it all. We overcame a 5 run deficit to go on and win it by 7 runs with a final score of like 22-15 or something like that. I think, and help me if I'm wrong here. but was it Weber's 2nd time up in the lucky fourth that he went yard. I could have this confused but the way I remember it is the Web got it started with a huge deep dong to left center that played off the fence...knocking in a couple runs set up by J cakes and Wiesman....then we batted around...until there were a couple outs and the Web was up again...you could sense that stepping away from the plate had brought that long ball back. I think everybody watched that second at bat knowing, hoping wishing, waiting....and BOOM! The big bambino did not disappoint with a 300yard bomb to left field. The first Motorboat Home run all season, and then he sent a negro to do his work and get the ball. That's the way I will always remember it at least....and that's why it will go down in history F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
Long live the M..Ma Ma Ma Ma MO....MMOO....MOOOTOOORBOOOATS!
Other Highlights were abound. But the BIG WEB stole the show and Iced the game and shocked the shockers. Have a great Weekend boats.


Joke of the day

On Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair; drinking beer and watching my wife mow

the lawn. The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged that she came over and

shouted at me, "You should be hung!" I took a drink from my can of Miller Lite, wiped the cold

foam from my lips, lifted my darkened Ray Ban sunglasses and stared directly into the eyes of

this nosy ass neighbor and then calmly replied, "I am. That's why she cuts the grass."


BOATS V.S Shockers 8:30pm field 2

Boats I don't know what happened last week and I don't want to know. This week we face those green shockers again at 8:30pm on field 2.

Bring you A game and lets come out swinging. The boats will float once again!

Nectar of the Gods

Well she is soon to be in my possesion.
Dont be afraid to stare.. It has taken many hours
away from my work time. T-minus uno day.


Good To Be Back

Sundays are a time for reflection. It's very good to be back home in my office checking the HBH site. It looks like it was a tough week for the boats. Well that happens.

As your Coach I feel the most responsible for being out of town. I was in New York then Chicago and have to say I think there is no better place to live and play then Kansas City (KS) we all know (MO) is dirty. SO It's good to be home. I'll be giving you guys a shout out to see how you've been cuz I miss the boys for sure.

I hope you take this Sunday to put the past behind you and gear up for whats left of the summer. I got a feeling that August will be great month and will end in a video montage at Johnny C's Pizza.



1 game losing streak over

Feeling down all week, needless to say haven't been getting much sleep. Well that is all about over bc I took one for the team. A wiseman Mark Grace once said after a loss the only thing that can change your luck is to go out to the bar and take home the ugliest chick you can find and nail the shit out of her and the losing streak ends instantaniously. Well the ugliest chick I have seen since Maggie Gyllenhal just got the captain Spf 50 sunscreen on her fat tits, so I guarantee a victory on thursday. You all owe me a beer. Long live the Motorboats.


Sunkin Boats

We all know it hurts... Keep your head up peters. The boats will soon be up and floatin one more time.

Boats Lose, Weber is Terrible...

Between my running into the second basemen and smashing my face, and taking a game changing ground ball off my middle finger, I played like a real fag last night. I thought sleeping would make me feel better but I woke up more pissed then I went to sleep. So now I am blogging at 6:30 on a Friday morning, like a gay ass Perez Hilton. Sorry team.

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