
Stay Pufted

Dudes & Countrymen,

I'm hear to address a few issues. First and Foremost I apologize for not writing in the Blog for a Long time. I feel like it's time to check in. I appreciate everybody who contributes and I'm going to try to do more to keep this Blog alive and running.

First order of business. The Underground shall return.

Secondly I'm going to San Antonio for 2 weeks and won't be at bowling.

Finally I just want to say I miss the days of being between jobs and having nothing better to do then starting Blogs. I'm enjoying the new gig, the only problem is that it's work, ya know. So I had a good Summer, found a girl, got my house painted, moved on from my old job, and just feel pretty right with the world. Hope your all doing just as well mates. I'll see you on thanksgiving at the usual time, usual place.


The moon is high in the eastern sky ..... oh please don't die of pnemonia.


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