
Boats Go So Big - Webs and all his glory

Mo mo mo mo mo motorboats! What a game. It had it all. We overcame a 5 run deficit to go on and win it by 7 runs with a final score of like 22-15 or something like that. I think, and help me if I'm wrong here. but was it Weber's 2nd time up in the lucky fourth that he went yard. I could have this confused but the way I remember it is the Web got it started with a huge deep dong to left center that played off the fence...knocking in a couple runs set up by J cakes and Wiesman....then we batted around...until there were a couple outs and the Web was up again...you could sense that stepping away from the plate had brought that long ball back. I think everybody watched that second at bat knowing, hoping wishing, waiting....and BOOM! The big bambino did not disappoint with a 300yard bomb to left field. The first Motorboat Home run all season, and then he sent a negro to do his work and get the ball. That's the way I will always remember it at least....and that's why it will go down in history F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
Long live the M..Ma Ma Ma Ma MO....MMOO....MOOOTOOORBOOOATS!
Other Highlights were abound. But the BIG WEB stole the show and Iced the game and shocked the shockers. Have a great Weekend boats.


Gems161 said...

Thanks for the kudos. I can't get Captains amazing diving catch out of my mind. Really, we all played pretty well. Well enough to win at least.

JCakes said...

Soooo, does this also count as a 161 find......so veiny!

Well done "Big" Web. Good show Boats!

Adrock said...

Wait a minute... Is that.. THE WEB..

jd258 said...

The key to Web's power... Peaches, they're like the HGH of the new millenium.

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