
Boats Docked Again!

ahhhhhhhh! Will we ever get to play!!! Boats as your captain I am sad to say we are not scheduled to play again this week. I would have know this if I would have looked at the schedule earlier but I guess because we are a 6 team league so they give us a couple off days.

But we haven't even played yet and we won't now till July. There is a chance that they might put us on because of rain outs but nobody has said that to me yet and since the Lenexa Bar-B-Q is this week anyway I'm not going to make a point about it. Sorry Boats....one more week.

Oh and our next game, FIRST GAME is at 10:30 July 3rd so if you can't make it let me know. Also please visit this site for our future schedule. (we are like the middle tab)



Adrock said...

KC I will not be able to make July 3rd.. I will be out of town.. GO boats.

JCakes said...

That's the day after WSP, right? Let's just say its a good thing game's @10:30. This guy will be sleeping off the demons until 9:30.
On a side note.....Is anyone else sick of this mickey mouse bullshit!?!? Next year we take it back to Miller's Woods where we won the championship. No more California penal league for the Boats.

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