
2 Days left :)

Who is ready for the Waterfall CB competition?


Jamaica NO Mistaica

We are finally here. Days away from the KIKI Train. Make sure you bring the papers that Pam emailed, it has the info for our transportation to and from Negril. Cheers


2 Hours Later

Rotisserie Roast Rookies

Well fellas the house of Adamic is pleased to announce the first attempt at creating mouthwatering roast by way of rotisserie. This new smoking method could turn rags to riches. We will keep you updated with pictures.


Big time playas

Jamaican BBQ

Since a choice few of us are heading to Jamaica in 21 days-20 hours-15 minutes-45 seconds, I thought it appropriate to post some pics of the BBQ and Food I was lucky enough to eat on my last trip to Jamaica.

This is Maggi and he makes the finest Jerk Chicken in all of Jamaica. You can find him on the side of the Road in Negril. For 15 J, he gives you a healthy portion of Jerk Chicken and some thick slices of Texas Toast. Don't miss out on this!

3 Dives is a famous outdoor Restaurant in Jamaica. This place has it all. Lobster, Jerk Chicken, authentic sides. This was one of the best meals of the entire trip. Just remember, Jamaicans are never in a hurry. So this meal, and most others, will take about 2 hours between ordering and when it arrives. This can be frustrating at times, but you get used to it after a few days. We refer to this slow service as "Jamaican Time".

Sometimes for some reason in Jamaica, you get a Sweet
Tooth. Nothing better to satisfy this craving then with some Ice Cream on top of a Brownie...covered in Fudge.

After waking up from a crazy night of Appleton Rum and Red Stripes, you need some breakfast. I almost always opted for the Pancakes. Sometimes I would switch it up with some Eggs and Bacon as well. Either way, you can't go wrong.

Jack Johnson Aug 18th

Starlight on J-Cakes B-day! Jack is coming Aug 18th and I think thats Johnny's bday. Tell you what I'll split the party bus with you buddy. tickets go on sale this Sat. get em before they are gone gone gone.

Spring Cleaning

Hog's and niner's alike, Spring has Sprung. I've done some spring cleaning and made a few changes around here. First and Foremost you may notice the new timer at the top of the page. GTL for life fellas, or at least till the 29th. Also I have got rid of some old apps holding us back and hopefully things will function more smoothly going forward in the future. Thanks for keeping the BLOG Alive and well and if you need anything at all, access, pictures or feel like writing the about us please speak up. As always this blog is what we put into it. Now...what ever happened to the "underground"


Happy BBQ Season 2010

The Sun is up and the Birds are chirping. This warm weather has brought another BBQ season upon us. While we have been practicing in the off season, we haven't blogged about it in a while. Well we are officially back at the Kansas City Bar-B-Q Mafia blog.

Happy BBQ season 2010.

Welcome to Hog Heaven

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